Design and Digital Studies

Jentery Sayers | English | U. of Victoria | Canada
AIGA | Converge | USC | 3 June 2017

Zine by Allison Murphy (2016)

Assumptions about DH

A Service
No Aesthetics
Compute for Proof
You Must Program

Response to Assumptions

Select an -Ism
Interpret through Alteration
Conjectural Analysis
Low-Tech Prototyping

"Family of Subjunctive Practices"

By Kari Kraus (2017)

"Deformance and Interpretation"

By Lisa Samuels and Jerome McGann (1999)

Historicity of Media

Allison Murphy's "Unchecked Voicemail Poems" (2016),
which transports Frank O'Hara's "Poem (Light Clarity)" into the present

Labour of Composition

Sara Matheson's remaking of
Raymond Queneau's One Hundred Million Million Poems (2016)

Metaphor and Materiality

Danny Martin's literalization of lack and mold
in Vladimir Burda's "Ich" and Eugen Gomringer's "Silencio" (2017)

From Exposition to
Performance + Negotiation

Justin Foran's steganographic remediation of
Haruki Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase (2017)

Thank You


Jessica Barness, Vicki Callahan, Heather Corcoran,
Sarah Lowe, Amy Papaelias, Holly Willis,
Jacqueline Lorber Kasunic, Kate Sweetapple,