Intersecting Physical Computing + Fabrication with the Humanities
Some possible areas of research:
- Help scholars of media, science, and technology “prototype the past,” or think through the mechanisms they study (e.g., remake dead technologies, build devices in fiction, and construct inaccessible objects)
- Allow labour studies scholars to focus on the hardware and electronics side of digital humanities (e.g., digital humanities “beyond the screen,” the relevance of manufacturing and factories to digital culture, and the importance of sourcing and waste to digital culture)
- Encourage practitioners to assert the relevance of the arts to digital humanities (e.g., STEAM, experimental media, installations, performance, embodiment, ephemera, and studio work)
- Help scholars understand the uses of technologies for surveillance, ethnography, and monitoring (e.g., the construction of “smart environments,” the use of wearables for organizing and policing, and gathering ambient/environmental data automatically)
- Prompt authors of electronic liteature to create responsive poetry or fiction “off the screen.”